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Membership in the South Carolina Academy of Collaborative Professionals is open to licensed attorneys, mental health professionals, and financial specialists who meet the criteria of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and have received Collaborative Practice training. SCACP, formally SCCLI, is at the forefront of developing Collaborative Practice across the State of South Carolina. Membership is vital for anyone interested in changing South Carolina’s divorce culture and working as a Collaborative professional. In addition to being able to cite membership in the organization as a Collaborative professional, membership provides the following benefits:
Listing in the “Find A Professional” section of the SCACP website, essential for referrals;
Automatic membership in the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) at a reduced group rate;
Free webinars on important topics of Collaborative Practice;
Access to Collaborative divorce forms (such as the model Participation Agreement, ethical rules, etc.)
Invitation to reception at the annual Collaborative Practice advanced training seminar and the basic training seminar;
Opportunities to stay connected with multi-disciplinary professionals who are active in the Collaborative field;
Board and Committee membership opportunities;
Input and influence upon pending legislature that impacts family law and/or Collaborative Practice issues;
Participation in mentor-mentee relationship opportunities;
Access to Collaborative Divorce brochures for clients;
Professional opportunity to expand services and options offered to clients